So you think you have this on-purpose thing mastered in your work life?
Yep, as you’re getting more and more on-purpose you’re being sought and placed into positions of leadership. Your star is rising.
Now for the bad news — there’s a downside to being on-purpose.
Guard against the arrogance of being on-purpose or, ironically, you’ll end up being off-purpose.
Success can breed a winner’s arrogance versus a servant leader’s confidence and humility.
Who is keeping you grounded and real? It better be someone!
Are you a business leader looking for an executive coach to give you a true perspective on your personal self-importance reading? Below are some great referrals for you and me. Tell ’em I sent you.
1. Mary Tomlinson in Raleigh, NC. Email Mary. Mary has a stellar corporate executive background at Walt Disney World plus 16 years of being an independent coach, consultant, and speaker.
2. John Smith (yes, his real name), my mentor. Email John. John has a decades-long career in the ministry of serving CEOs.
3. Dave Vogelpohl is a senior-level business advisor with both big business experience and small business consulting insights. In recent years, Dave has been doing a lot of church consulting—when I’m not bugging him to help me sort out options.
4. Kevin W. McCarthy. Yes, I’m available for business advisory services to help individuals and organizations to be on-purpose.