What's your greatest advice for keeping your marriage together? Let me hear from you on this one! With Valentines Day fast approaching, it would be great to gather some insights – serious and humorous alike.
The "best advice" I ever got was from a man married for 39 years. I was in college at the time and his daughter was a dear friend of mine. As he drank his morning coffee, I asked, "Mr. Collier, to what do you attribute the longevity of your marriage to Mrs. Collier?"
Immediately he answered, "Early in our marriage we came to an agreement that I would make all the big decisions in our marriage and my bride would handle all the small decisions. Amazingly, in 39 years of marriage there has been nothing but small decisions."
I can remember laughing as he shared that advice. After over 25 years of marriage to my bride, I fully appreciate his humorous wisdom even more. If only I had listened better…
Be On-Purpose!
PS: Photo is the McCarthy Family: Charles, Judith, Anne, and Kevin