I am at home from work with a kidney stone on my left side. Man these things are painful. I've been trying a variety of home remedies to avoid lithotripsy. A few years ago I had that procedure done. It worked but I prefer to avoid it if at all possible. By comparison, this kidney stone isn't nearly as painful as that first one.
I can work with the pain for about 30 minutes and finally my brain just shuts down and I crawl back in bed.
So who out there has a way that helped them pass kidney stones?
I've been drinking lots of water plus a few ounces of apple cider vinegar and then applying heat with showers and a heating pad. Tylenol provides a measure of pain relief.
The pattern of my problem is emerging. Typically, when I've exercised or worked in the hot Florida sun for a long time, I get dehyrdrated and then drink something with high measures of electrolytes. A few hours later, I'm in pain. This has happened twice in the past month. I also think that San Pellegrino mineral water to excess causes me problems perhaps due to the mineral content. As the summer months come, remember to drink water.