Too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. For most of us that means it
is time to turn to time management. Courses and seminars in time
management, software packages, PDAs like the Palm, and good old
fashioned daily planners like a DayTImer, Franklin Covey Planner, or Day
Runner, all hold great promise to help you get your life on track. And
they do! Kinda. Mostly.
Time management is a smokescreen masking an underlying
problem. Sure time management systems allow you to manage events, set priorities, plan your day, and schedule your appointments. But are you making progress in life or are you just moving around meetings and activities? Have you just become more efficient at being ineffective?
Solve the underlying challenge of why you need time
management and your time management problems narrow significantly. In the end, it isn’t the tools and technology or time management that make a difference. It is you!