I like to walk around with a big grin on my face. That’s easier said than done when you have lips like mine. Have you seen my lips? Take a look at my picture above, look closely….do you see lips? I’m lip challenged… lip impaired… lipless. All the skin for my lips must have moved north to my nose. I do have a, shall we say, distinctive nose. With my lips all on the inside of my mouth, walking around with a big grin is work for this face.
But it’s worth it!
Here’s where that grin grows into fun. I’ll be walking and grinning down a crowded downtown street or in an airport. Some people avoid making eye contact for fear I’m some kind of stalker I guess. Others are obliviously lost in their thoughts. But here’s the on-purpose payoff. A lot of people smile back. And some even say, “Hi!” For the price of a smile, I get to enjoy the bounty from the garden of grins I plant as I walk.
Try it and see how it is to be on-purpose.