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Decide to discover your inherent leadership capacity and your obstacles.
You’ll transform your life plus the lives of those around you presently and those to come. Shuck the shackles of being a victim and grasp the freedom of being yourself, prospering, and making a difference … on-purpose. Yes, it can be risky, but it is better than living life in a fragile glass jar.
Discover the joy from taking a hard look at yourself.
In my book, FIT 4 LEADING, this haunting question of natural born leadership is addressed. Below is an excerpt from the book from Chapter 9.
“Many of us think that leadership is like athleticism—either you were born with coordination or not. This thinking emerges because of this ridiculous debate around the question: Are leaders born or are they made?
“Here’s the final word on the question: Yes! It is both.
“Leaders are born and leaders are made. You were born to lead.
“What you’ve made of or how others have helped fashion or develop your leadership may be a missing refinement, but the raw material of your existence is designed for leading.
“What? I was born to lead? But I never thought I was …
“Yes! You were born to lead, period—end of story. Take this as fact.
“How can I unequivocally state to you that you were born to lead? It is because I know you are especially fit for leading. You have a unique design and purpose in your life that is unlike any other person.
“Isn’t the real question: How can you not be fit for leading? The evidence is overwhelmingly clear if you’ll look at it. You have this good fortune of a Body, Mind, and Spirit that has an absolutely incredible capacity for expression and becoming. In fact, it craves to productively come alive in ways you aren’t even imagining, especially if you’ve relegated yourself to follower status.
“A subtle distinction is needed here. Being a leader versus being a leader in a given situation is different. The President of the United States of America is the leader of the free world. That’s a large domain. But if the President is hosting a reception for a visiting President of an allied country, and his guest falls to the ground with a heart attack, the President is no longer the leader in that situation. The doctor from the crowd who emerges immediately becomes the leader of that situation. The U.S. President is relegated to the role of bystander.
“Leaders understand that they step forward in some situations and take a backseat in most. Those who think otherwise are just arrogant people who are egomaniacal control freaks. Only needy minions and groupies will follow them. Strong leaders have strong followers.
“If you believe anything other than the fact that you were born to lead, then you’ve bought a lie spoken upon your life. However it got there doesn’t matter anymore. Stop living into that lie now! Choose to be the leader of your life. Otherwise, you’re the one who is paying the price. Someone other than you is benefiting from it at the expense of your Body, Mind, and Spirit.”
Visit the FIT 4 Leading website. There you can read the first chapter of the book, watch a free 30-minute webcast, and much more. Softcover and Kindle versions are available on Amazon. Use Prime for free shipping.